Over the hill birthday parties are the principle of fun. It has more character than a sweet 16, is more empowering than turning 18, and can get wilder than when you turned 21. The best part is you get to poke fun at someone who has hit that “old man” mark. So, how can you make the over the hill party you are planning really hit the mark? We have a couple of ideas that might be right up your alley!
Decorations And Games Are Key
Decorations in one area where you can really have some fun. False teeth, adult diapers, and jars of baby food are a great way to drive home the age aspect. You can even pick up a wheelchair or two, especially from thrift stores, and have wheelchair races. The idea here is to be silly and poke fun while still showing the old-timer some much-deserved respect.
Take A Trip Down Memory Lane
One of the best ways to pay respects to someone who has recently hit over the hill status is doing a “This Is Your Life” montage. Layout pictures and talk about what life was like when they were younger. You can even bring in friends to talk about funny, embarrassing, or successful moments in their life.
Get The Heart Pumping
Now, after putting your victim, I mean birthday boy or girl, through the wringer, it’s time to have some real fun. A strip-O-gram is a fantastic way to kick off or end the party. A sassy little happy birthday song with a sexy twist is never a bad thing. You can always opt for something a little more extravagant and do an entire strip show complete with all the bells and whistles. At the end of the day, the point of an over the hill birthday party is to make sure everyone laughs and has a good time.
If you need help figuring out fun and exciting ways to make your upcoming over the hill party a raging success, then Kitty Cat Now can help. Contact us today, and let’s see what kind of mischief we can come up with together!